
Welcome to my blog. I enjoy creating in all types of mediums. I hope that you enjoy visiting and seeing what I have created.

Chalk Art

One of my new favorite mediums.  This gives me the opportunity to create on a large scale.  
Chalk Art or Street Art is considered a performance art.  The work that you create is temporary and meant to be enjoyed for a short period of time.

I used Chalk Pastels to create these pieces.

Here are samples of the Chalk Art that I have done.

Tucson, Az

Chalk Art Kids Zone
Tempe Marketplace

Tempe Festival of the Arts Fall 2015
Chalk-A-Lot Street
Theme: Habitation
10' x 10' Chalk Art Mural

Commission Mural for the NFL Flag football Championships.
2 Murals
(My daughter and I worked on this one together)

Tempe Festival of the Arts Fall 2015
Chalk-a-lot Street
Theme: Antique Toys and Games
10' x 10' Chalk Art Mural
Won "Peoples Choice Award"

ASU Chalk Murals

Commissioned 2015


ASU Chalk Mural - Commissioned 2016
Fear the Fork
(My Daughter Sharra helped me with the background)

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